Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mommy Loves Ethan

Oh my goodness. I cannot even begin to explain to people how much I love my little boy. Our lives completely revolve around him and I wouldn't want it any other way.

When I put him to bed at night and give him those three little kisses and whisper, "I love you," in his ear, I honestly look forward to him waking up the next morning so I can sing my good morning song to him and get that big heart-warming smile that makes my entire day. He is just the biggest blessing Josh and I could have ever imagined. I really need to thank God for putting the idea in my mind to have our wedding in May instead of our original date of October, because if we hadn't switched the date we wouldn't have Ethan. I can't imagine where we would be without him; he's our pride and joy and Momma's baby boy.

He recently had his follow-up appointment with Dr. Wintersteen for his knee contractures and it went okay. She was happy with the progress he had made, but realized he still wasn't at full extension. She decided to put little elbow braces on his knees (they are little blue, velco braces) to try and keep him straightened out for a few hours a day. I'm hopeful that these will work, but if not we will see her in another six weeks and he would be fitted for custom braces. I really ask for prayers that Ethan's legs will be where they should be by the time he should be taking his first steps. I'm starting to get worried again that there is an underlying problem that she's not diagnosing until she's exhausted all other options. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but it's hard when we've gone to a few follow-up appointments and though we've made progress, we still aren't to where we need to be. It's just stressful and sad for me to see my little boy having these problems, even though they haven't affected him as of yet. In more positive news, he is standing on his own and baring his full weight on his legs. They obviously aren't straight or locked out, but he does it and it's such an awesome accomplishment. I wasn't sure when he would be able to do that! He looks so proud of himself and it just warms my heart. He's so sweet.

I'm getting very sleepy and need to head to bed, but tomorrow I will post about his other accomplishment - Ethan started eating VEGETABLES this month.

Here are just a few pictures from this month...

Crazy Nap Hair!!
My Braces!
At Riverside with Mommy and Steph - First Time Feeling Grass
Just a Cute Little Smile <3
At Daddy's Work Picnic, Cooling Off in the Car

Until Tomorrow, God Bless.


"I sing for joy at the works of Your hands." - Psalm 92:4

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