Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Day at the Doctor's Office

Gundersen Lutheran had three sad patients today: Ethan, Papaw and Mommy. Those darn vaccinations.

Ethan had his two-month check-up today and Josh was unable to go because of school being so close to the end of the semester. We figured he shouldn't take off any more time, so my wonderful dad decided to join us at our appointment today. I knew I needed moral support when they poked my sweet boy with those needles for his vaccinations. Plus, I love spending time with my parents and I knew it would be fun to spend the day with my daddy!

Ethan and his Papaw.

Today we saw our doctor's nurse practitioner and the appointment went well overall. No complaints here and we heard the word "normal" throughout the whole check-up. This made me VERY happy. We also heard the word "perfect" quite a few times. I love hearing these two words because I am a bit of a hypochondriac and an incessant worrier. Seriously though, what mom wouldn't love to hear those two words while her child was being checked over?

Ethan is a very healthy, happy and thriving boy. He was born weighing in at 7 lbs 10.2 oz and was 21 1/2 inches and he now weighs in at 11 lbs 7 oz and is 23 3/4 inches! Our doctor told us that he is actually longer than this, but because of his legs we aren't getting a completely accurate measurement of his length. Either way, we know this boy is long and thin. He just currently outgrew his three-month sleepers and is now wearing six-month ones! They are huge in the body, but he needs them for the length. He sits between the 75th and 80th percentile for height and the 30th percentile for weight. She said he is on the slim side, but is growing steadily so it is of no concern; normal.

Extra Snuggles from Mommy.

The doctor took another look at his legs today and wasn't too concerned. She really cranked on them and was able to flatten them, not to Ethan's liking, but was able to flatten them. She said that this was a great sign because his knees didn't have actual contractures if she was able to do this. She did want us to keep stretching his legs during changes and play and have him start bearing weight (which I've already done) to loosen them up. She said once he starts to play in a bouncer and stand when we're holding him that it may help to get things moving. We will check them again when he is four months old. Thank the Lord that his legs don't lead her to believe anything else is underlying. I'll be happy when I get the "normal" on his legs from her and our doctor.

Holding my Head Up!

The last, and worst, part of the appointment was Ethan's shots. I didn't realize that I had to partake in this horrible event. I assumed that the nurses would take care of everything as I stepped out of the room and came back to save the day when I scooped him off of the table and away from the meanies who poked up. Negative. I had to hold his little arms down as he looked into my eyes and screamed. I held it together and it never felt so good to pick him up and cuddle him. He did great though and was done crying less than a minute after the shots were administered. I fed him and then we headed to Memaw and Papaw's for the rest of the day. He did end up getting a fever, but a little acetaminophen and he has been fine. His legs seems sore, but I'm hoping that will be gone by tomorrow night. He spent a majority of the day sleeping, which normally I would have celebrated by sleeping too, but I was too worried about him so I've been awake all day watching him like a hawk. We'll be heading to bed after this blog post.

Smiling for Mommy after my Shots

In other news...Josh's interview went really well. He said it was pretty intense, but that is kind-of what we were expecting. He had three different panel interviews and he was told that he is "definitely a candidate" and we are praying that he gets this job. It would be wonderful for him and our family. If you're reading, we would appreciate prayers that this job is in God's plan. If not, we know that God has other plans for us that are just as great if not better.

As I sit and ponder all the worrying I've done about Ethan and wanting him to be normal, I need to remember this verse...

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." - Pslam 139: 13-14
Perfection in our Eyes.

God is Good.


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