Wow! Our little guy is seeming less and less like a baby. He turned eight months old yesterday. I cannot believe how quickly the time just flies by. I'm assuming it's because we're counting months instead of years, but I just wish it would slow down a bit. It makes me sad that he'll be a year very shortly! I guess I am kind-of excited to plan his birthday party though.
We had a really fun day yesterday while Daddy was at work. We read books, played with toys, sang songs and he even got to watch TWO episodes of Dinosaur Train. We also did a cute project where I painted the bottom of his feed and hands and pressed them onto a piece of paper. It was neat to see how big his little feet have gotten since he was born. I also did this same project when he was four months so we were able to look back at that, too, to compare. They have definitely gotten bigger! He was laughing as I painted his little feet because I'm sure it tickled. I'm glad we did this though because I think it will be something so special to look back on later. We are going to do another one when he turns one year.
He has learned SO many new things since my last blog post! Here are some of the fun things Ethan can do:
- Laughs, a lot! He is the HAPPIEST baby I've ever met.
- Claps his hands. He learned this from his Memaw and Papaw.
- Sticks out his tongue. He just started doing this and it's really cute.
- Sits up unassisted. He's been doing this for a while, but we're still so proud.
- Does push-ups. He is starting to push up on his arms, which we all know means he will be crawling very shortly.
- Puts balls in his Dinosaur Popper. He learned this VERY quickly. He is able to pick up the small balls and place them in the Dinosaur. He does this over and over, which is really neat to watch. He definitely understands that he has to do this to make the popper work.
- Stands against furniture. His little legs have come SO far and he is able to put ALL of his weight on them and he stands very well with little help.
- Plays Peek-A-Boo. He loves this game and it usually gets him giggling pretty good.
- TALKS! He is no longer just babbling because he says, "Mama, Dada, Yaya, Rara and Nana." He obviously doesn't correlate these words with anything, but he will and soon! It's so fun talking with him. He really lights up.
- Swings at the park. We just started taking him to the park and he really loves it. He can sit in one of those baby swings and really enjoys himself. It's a fun family activity that we started doing every week.
- He has TWO teeth! How could I have forgotten that he got those TWO cute, adorable and jagged teeth. They are SO incredibly sweet. When he smiles it just melts my heart.
Those are just some of the fun things he has learned and has done lately. I'm sure as the time goes by, quickly I'm sure, I will have more fun things to report. He is just a continued joy in our lives and we are so blessed with how wonderful he truly is. He is a good sleeper and eater and has such a wonderfully calm personality.
We also took him to his appointment for his legs last month and Dr. Wintersteen was VERY pleased with his progress. He has about 5 degrees to go on his "worse" leg and then they will be straight. I'm sure by the time he walks they will be good to go! We're so happy that God has watched over this situation and helped us through it. We've prayed so much for his little legs and we're very thankful that our prayers have been answered. He will be up and running in to time! Yikes. We better get to baby proofing.
Ethan has had lots of play dates lately, too! He has three little friends that are all within three weeks of his age. Amelia, Daven and Henry are his best little friends. It really is fun to have play-dates with these little guys because they are all doing the same things. It's fun to watch them learn and play together. I've also known Amelia and Daven's mommies for a VERY long time. I believe I've known them both since 5th grade. Wow. That's a LONG time ago. He also gets to have play dates with his big cousin, Lyla Jane. She really enjoys when he's over and Ethan loves to try and get her glasses and hair!
Well, I will try not to make the next blog post so far away from this one. I'll be back next week, promise.