I finally did it! I created a family blog.
I have wanted to start a blog for the longest time, but never really thought I had a reason worthy enough to do so. I suppose no one really needs a great reason to put their life out on the internet for others to read, (look at me going and assuming that someone will read my posts) but now that our family has recently expanded I figured now was as good a time, and reason, as any.

Ethan and his Daddy.
Ethan and his Mommy.
On February 24, 2011 at 9:35 in the morning, God blessed us with the greatest gift of all, our son, Ethan Thomas Alameida. He was, and is, absolutely perfect. Our lives were changed from that day on and we have loved every sleepless minute of it and haven't looked back. He was welcomed with love and we can't wait to nurture, love, guide and watch him grow up into the man that God created him to be.
This blog will have no shortage of photographs, videos and stories about this new little man in our lives. Obviously it will also chronicle stuff about Josh and myself and our day to day lives. Of course, if you know me, you also know that Nalah will make an appearance or two...or three on here.
Let's get started...
Yesterday marked Ethan's two month birthday! We cannot believe that two months have already come and gone. I just smile from the inside out when I think back on those two wonderful months. I never thought I could love someone as much as I do him. I know, I know...you hear mothers say this all the time, but it is totally true. God definitely puts an extra space for love in your heart for your children. They are amazing.
He has his two month appointment tomorrow at Gundersen in Onalaska and I am having mixed feelings about it. I am very excited to get his current weight/height measurements, but I am not excited for him to get his first shots. I am also a little nervous for what they will say about his legs. I think many of you know, but when he was growing inside of me he was presenting as Complete Breech. This means that he was sitting head up/butt down in my belly (the ideal presentation of a baby is head down) and was also sitting on his legs so they never had a chance to stretch out the entire time he was growing. He was ultimately born with minor contractures of his knees and they don't straighten out as far as most baby's legs do. They are definitely getting better because we stretch them at every diaper change, but they aren't quite where they should be. I am praying that with continued stretching and physical therapy, if need be, that they will get where they need to be! If you're reading this, please keep Ethan in your prayers; it's much appreciated.
In other news...
Josh was recently hired at a company called Authenticom and he seems to be liking it. It wasn't the "dream" job he had hoped for, but we're beyond thankful that God provided for us on the job front. He already started working there part-time while he finishes up school and will start full-time after graduation. That is...unless he gets hired at Ashley Furniture. He has had two pretty intense phone interviews (one of them was a four-way call) and has his final, in-person interview today. As a matter of fact, he is there as I am typing this. I am waiting to hear back from him on how it went. We are praying for great things and we have comfort in knowing that God has a plan for him. We are hoping that Ashley is in Josh's plans though because the job has great pay and benefits.
Josh is graduated from Western Technical College on May 13, 2011 and we are so VERY proud of him. He has worked his butt off and I can't say that he had the easiest time of it. We had two very big events happen in our lives during very important and busy times during school. We got married last year the week before finals and had a baby during his last semester of this year. He never let it get to him and is finishing with terrific grades.
I have to say I am so thankful for his work ethic and drive (okay, so we had to push him a few times, but who doesn't need to be pushed when they feel overwhelmed) because by Josh going to school to earn a degree to make a living for our family, it has allowed me to stay home with Ethan. I know I was born to be a mom and it is the best job I have ever had. We owe all thanks to God, but I want to give a heart-felt thank you to Josh for also allowing me to be able to do this. I love you.
I decided I want to end all of my posts with a Bible verse that somewhat relates to my post or just one that I like. Today, I have decided to leave you with the verse that is on Ethan's wall over his crib.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above." - James 1:17
Until next time, God Bless.